介绍 csharp 关于 json 的用法. 本文的所有源码均存放在 kentxxq/csharpDEMO (github.com).
因为 json 非常的流行, 而且存在有很多细节. 例如性能, 格式, 类库用法等等.
准备一个用于演示的示例对象 Person
. 同时涵盖了 List
, string
, int
, 枚举
, 日期
/// <summary>人</summary>
public class Person
[Display(Name = "人名", Description = "人的名字")]
public string Name { get; set; } = null!;
[Display(Name = "性别", Description = "人的性别")]
public Sex SexType { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "生日", Description = "人的生日")]
public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "年纪", Description = "人的年纪")]
public int Age { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "头", Description = "人的头")]
public Head PersonHead { get; set; } = null!;
[Display(Name = "鞋子", Description = "人的鞋子")]
public List<Shoes>? PersonShoes { get; set; }
/// <summary>头</summary>
public class Head
[Display(Name = "宽", Description = "头的宽")]
public int Width { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "高", Description = "头的高")]
public int Height { get; set; }
/// <summary>性别</summary>
public enum Sex
[Display(Name = "男")] Man,
[Display(Name = "女")] Woman
/// <summary>鞋子</summary>
public class Shoes
[Display(Name = "鞋名", Description = "鞋子的名字")]
public string ShoesName { get; set; } = null!;
[Display(Name = "鞋颜色", Description = "鞋子的颜色")]
public Color ShoesColor { get; set; }
public static readonly Person DemoPerson = new()
Name = "ken", Age = 1, PersonHead = new Head { Height = 50, Width = 50 }, PersonShoes = new List<Shoes>
new() { ShoesColor = Color.Blue, ShoesName = "蓝色" },
new() { ShoesColor = Color.Red, ShoesName = "红色" }
对象/json 互转
// 转json
var str = JsonSerializer.Serialize(StaticData.DemoPerson, new JsonSerializerOptions
// 空格
WriteIndented = true,
// 宽松转义规则,虽然不规范,但中文会正常打印出来. 否则中文会变成unicode字符,例如'蓝'-'\u84DD'
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping
// 转对象
var d1 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Person>(str);
"Name": "ken",
"SexType": 0,
"Birthday": "1234-05-06T00:00:00",
"Age": 1,
"PersonHead": {
"Width": 50,
"Height": 50
"PersonShoes": [
"ShoesName": "蓝色",
"ShoesColor": {
"R": 0,
"G": 0,
"B": 255,
"A": 255,
"IsKnownColor": true,
"IsEmpty": false,
"IsNamedColor": true,
"IsSystemColor": false,
"Name": "Blue"
"ShoesName": "红色",
"ShoesColor": {
"R": 255,
"G": 0,
"B": 0,
"A": 255,
"IsKnownColor": true,
"IsEmpty": false,
"IsNamedColor": true,
"IsSystemColor": false,
"Name": "Red"
#todo/笔记 net8新增UseStringEnumConverter
编写一个 Context 类
[JsonSourceGenerationOptions(WriteIndented = true)] // 全局设置
[JsonSerializable(typeof(Person))] // 需要转换的类
[JsonSerializable(typeof(User))] // 可以多个
internal partial class JsonContext : JsonSerializerContext
var s1 = JsonSerializer.Serialize(StaticData.DemoPerson, JsonContext.Default.Person);
var o1 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(s1, JsonContext.Default.Person);
var s2 = JsonSerializer.Serialize(StaticData.DemoUser, JsonContext.Default.User);
- enum枚举 默认是枚举值 (数字), 使用名称替代
- 日期/timestamp 互转示例
public class DateTimeJsonConverter2Timestamp : JsonConverter<DateTime>
public override DateTime Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
var tsDatetime = reader.GetInt64().MillisecondsToDateTime();
return tsDatetime;
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, DateTime value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
var jsonDateTimeFormat = value.ToTimestampMilliseconds();
推荐使用 JsonConverter
public class WeatherForecastWithConverterAttribute
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
public string? Summary { get; set; }
或加入到 JsonSerializerOptions 中:
var opt = new JsonSerializerOptions
// enum用名称,而不是数字表示
Converters =
new JsonStringEnumConverter(JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase)
aspnetcore 使用
opt => opt.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new DateTimeJsonConverter2Timestamp())
json 字符串数据查询
什么情况使用? json 数据没有固定的字段, 或者数据类型.
- JsonDocument: 只读, 性能更好.
- JsonNode: 可改动, 且改动方便
在不规范的 json 中, 存在有重复的 key. JsonDocument 取最后一个 key 的值. JsonNode 会报错!
var jNode = JsonNode.Parse(str)!;
var name = jNode["Name"]!.GetValue<string>();
// 修改
jNode["Name"] = "kent";
name = jNode["Name"]!.GetValue<string>();
// 移除, JsonObject继承JsonNode
var jObject = jNode.AsObject();
using var jDoc = JsonDocument.Parse(str);
name = jDoc.RootElement.GetProperty("Name").Deserialize<string>();
JsonSerializerOptions 对象
#todo/笔记 JsonSerializerOptions.UnmappedMemberHandling Property
var opt = new JsonSerializerOptions
// 空格
WriteIndented = true,
// 宽松转义规则,虽然不规范,但中文会正常打印出来. 否则中文会变成unicode字符,例如'蓝'-'\u84DD'
Encoder = JavaScriptEncoder.UnsafeRelaxedJsonEscaping,
// 下面的不常用
// 默认不包含字段
IncludeFields = true,
// 允许存在注释,例如 "a":1, // a是id
ReadCommentHandling = JsonCommentHandling.Skip,
// 允许结尾的逗号
AllowTrailingCommas = true,
// 默认大小写不敏感
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true,
// 默认允许从string中读取数字
NumberHandling = JsonNumberHandling.AllowReadingFromString,
// 默认驼峰. JsonNamingPolicy.SnakeCaseLower 是小写下划线分割
// https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json/customize-properties?pivots=dotnet-8-0#use-a-built-in-naming-policy
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
// 对象内部驼峰 "AB":{"aB":1,"bB":1}
DictionaryKeyPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
// enum用名称,而不是数字表示
Converters =
new JsonStringEnumConverter(JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase)
// 从源生成中获取类型转换信息
TypeInfoResolver = JsonContext.Default
相关特性 attribute
这些特性都是用在 POCO/实例类的.
自定义转化名称 JsonPropertyName
public int WindSpeed { get; set; }
How to customize property names and values with System.Text.Json - .NET | Microsoft Learn
必须存在 JsonRequired
public int WindSpeed { get; set; }
Require properties for deserialization - .NET | Microsoft Learn
忽略 ignore
: 总是忽略[JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.Never)]
: 永远显示, 是JsonSerializerOptions
的默认值[JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull)]
: null 就忽略[JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault)]
: 忽略 null 或者值类型的默认值 (例如 int 默认值是 0 )
How to ignore properties with System.Text.Json - .NET | Microsoft Learn
多余字段 JsonExtensionData
public Dictionary<string, JsonElement>? ExtensionData { get; set; }
不规范的 json 字符串
- 不传递值, 会使用实体类的默认值. 所以实体类如果不能为 null, 一定要配置默认值.
的问题. 需要 等待这个讨论完结 来最终加入一个新的jsonserializerOptions
选项或者 特殊处理. 因此建议在 json 字符串中去掉值为null
的数据!- 也可以不管这些, 通过用户提交的数据进行验证避免错误. 因为用户请求是一定要进行验证的.
// 不标准的json
// 不完整的json,缺少的字段默认值
var j1 = """{"Name": "ken"}""";
var j11 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(j1, JsonContext.Default.Person);
// 带null的json
// age为null报错.
// name为null则会传递到对象里,即使Name不允许为null值
var j2 = """{"Name": null,"Age":4}""";
var j22 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(j2, JsonContext.Default.Person);
// 多余的字段不受影响.正常默认值
var j3 = """{"HHH":null}""";
var j33 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(j3, JsonContext.Default.Person);
使用 Utf8JsonWriter 和 Utf8JsonReader 这样的低级 api 处理 json, 甚至可以处理不完整或残缺的字符串
var options = new JsonWriterOptions { Indented = true }; using var stream = new MemoryStream(); using var writer = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream, options); writer.WriteStartObject(); writer.WriteString("date", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow); writer.WriteNumber("temp", 42); // writer.WriteEndObject(); // 不输出结尾的大括号 writer.Flush(); var json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(json); // 读取这个不完整的json // 因为最后的42没有截止符,无法读取 var reader = new Utf8JsonReader(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json),isFinalBlock:false,state:default); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine(reader.TokenType); if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName) { var property = reader.GetString(); if (property == "date") { reader.Read(); Console.WriteLine(reader.GetDateTime()); } } }